Saturday, January 15, 2011


My father took all my pills and he is typing up a chart for me.

He has already straightened out the nightstand and moved my hairbrush and lipstick out of my reach. He explained that I don't need to brush my hair now. Then he kiddingly started to brush my hair.

He called down to my mother and ordered me two slices of toast with butter and the crusts cut off. When I protested that I like crust, he explained the crust might irritate my mouth.


  1. He can worry about who you irritate with your mouth later. Listen to your Dad....

  2. I am! Why is everyone's first assumption that i won't listen to my father's calm well reasoned advice and that I will just go off ha;f cocked......LOL

  3. Oh and is that what you call what I do to you with my mouth.....irritating? Funny, I didn't think tat as the word that ran through you mind at that moment.

  4. I think I'm totally in love with your dad.

    VERY happy you are bunked with your parents through this Maggie. Thinking of you every day.

  5. I cannot imagine why anyone would think you don't listen to reason...

    As for what you do with your mouth, I cannot imagine what you are talking about... :)

  6. Thank you Boston Maggie's dad for taking care of a wonderful daughter.

  7. Leta & Stella, it's true my father rocks. He is bold and smart and funny and takes over every gathering he is a part of. And he is a ridiculous flirt.

    YM - That's a lot of trouble you are having with your imagination. Perhaps I should take you down to Disney & see if the Imagineers can recharge you.
