Monday, January 17, 2011

Changing of Bed Linen #Fail

I got up two hours ago, shaky but ok. My nightstand was all cleared of half drunk water bottles and crumpled napkins and a Dove chocolate candy wrapper.

The clothes I had dropped on the floor when I put on my nightgown at 10 pm last night, were washed, dried and folded on the chair.

I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. It was clear that he had just finished scrubbing the bathroom down and changing all the towels. I came out and he gave me cough drops and announced that after the current load of laundry was finished, he was washing my sheets. I managed to change my own sheets, whew!

I got chased into the closet by the swiffer, he had already vacuumed.

There were pancakes waiting downstairs, I had one. Even my mother ate two!

I took all the morning pills.

But I couldn't manage a shower. I am back in bed on the clean sheets. #Fail


  1. Give your father a hug for all of us, okay?--I'm sure I'm not the only person who is just a little bit relieved to know you are so well taken care of.

  2. I'm glad you keep posting updates, Maggie. It means you at least feel well enough to type and surf!

    Hang in there. You're one day closer to Friday.

  3. Love seeing these updates, Mags... and it *really* perked me up to get your comment, because I knew it meant *you* were feeling sassy enough to write about pudding!

    Okay, gotta go hide my spoons before they make us start registering 'em....

  4. Gotta add. Enjoy this high (or low).

    "I been down so long, seem like up to me,
    Gal of mine got a heart like a rock in the sea."

    We will dance.

  5. I want to change look of my bedroom. The color of my bedroom is light pink and I have no idea which color of bed linen suits my bedroom.
