Wednesday, January 05, 2011

By Hook Or By Crook

UPDATE - Putting this back on top of the page.

On Thursday, January 6th at 11 a.m. I will be at the Massachusetts State House.

"Protest of vet secretary’s ouster planned for inauguration"

Anyone who can be there to support Veterans' Services Secretary Tom Kelley - aka CAPT Thomas G. Kelley, USN (ret), Medal of Honor recipient - should come as well.

If you care about Massachusetts veterans, you will be there. There is no more passionate advocate for their welfare than Tom Kelley.

I am still steaming about this callous action by Gov. Patrick.

First off, there is the ridiculous idea that Tom should be replaced. Kelley took the Massachusetts Veterans' Services Department and made it a national model praised by veteran's groups locally and from coast-to-coast.

Next there is the idea that Gov Patrick doesn't need to answer to the citizenry. Taking this office "in a new direction" is not enough of a reason. It is tops in the country, so what "new direction" is there? Down?

Finally, and most galling of all, is the manner of the dismissal. They just stopped inviting Kelley to cabinet meetings. Then finally, Secretary Bigby gave Tom the lame "new direction" line.

Apparently Governor Patrick doesn't understand that good work should be rewarded.....or at least left alone.

But more importantly, he doesn't understand that when you deal with a Medal of Honor recipient, you do so with respect.

Now I know what some of you are thinking right now - "Maggie, you loathe Gov Patrick, you would find fault with him if he said the sky were blue" or "Maggie, Tom Kelley is a Sailor, you would back him no matter what". But read this Peter Gelzinis column and see it's not just me being me.

Walking back and forth to Thompson Square was tough on me today, so I guess I will have to rest up for Thursday.

Who is in charge of bailing me out of jail this week?


  1. "Who is in charge of bailing me out of jail this week?"

    Because you're a frequent, good customer, they don't let you run a tab?

  2. Do you know that there are no bail bondsmen in Massachusetts? Don't ask how I know that.

  3. I still haven't found a "why" other than of course "New Direction".

    Dumbassery at its finest.
