Friday, December 17, 2010

Twas A Night In December

OK, I want you to watch this video, but I am not going to embed it here. I want hits on the YouTube site.

"Twas A night in December"

This video reflects the participation of more than 40 commands worldwide.

Service members from each of the services, stationed everywhere from Afghanistan to Antarctica, helped make "Twas a Night in December," a variation of the popular holiday story rewritten with a military twist. Country music singer and active military supporter Toby Keith introduces our holiday video.

It's less than five minutes long. You will have a smile on your face afterwards.

Click the link and also be sure to "like" it. Send it to your friends, post it on your Facebook, Twitter it.

Right now it's had 12, 706 hits. I want a MUCH bigger number! UPDATE - 17,691 as of 0825 Saturday. That's good, we can do better. 24,793 as of 2300 Monday. 42,476 as of 1700 on Christmas Day. Come on, let's double this by New Year's!

The great and powerful goddess of the Naval blogoshpere commands it!!!


  1. I LIKE that. Making snow angels in Germany...especially made me smile. Also cool that the last guy is from Canada. Joyeux Noel!

  2. Cool. It said that I was number 18,400.

  3. If you need too,.. you can throw me under the bus anytime,.. I'd never take offense when it's coming from you.

  4. Maggie, the count now is 33,687 as of Thursday at 1714. Thanks, Lt. Jennifer Cragg
