Saturday, October 23, 2010

Guess Where I Ended Up?

The plane got in at 2050, ten minutes early. I was dragging. I was the second to last person off of the plane. I let Jen & Grace know. Each wanted to know where I was headed. I still had to pick up the car. I told them I would decide when I had the car. My friend T was so late that by the time I had the car and was ready to roll it was 2200.

My parents? Well the bed they ordered hasn't arrived yet and I wasn't in the mood to sleep with my legs hanging off a loveseat. And there is no Internet.

Grace's? Well there was a bed and a long couch and a futon. But while Grace has Internet, it isn't WiFi.

Jen's? Even tough there was a ton of crap left on the bed when I scooted out of town and Jen, unlike my father and Grace, will not get up early and make me breakfast and it means driving 30 more minutes......there is WiFi at Jen's.

So................guess where I ended up...... I am a WiFi addict.

My clothes, books, toiletries, wallet.....they are all still in the car. But not the laptop.


  1. Happy to see you made it home safely! It was great to spend some time with you, but I bet you need a serious nap for the next 2 days. And I'm jealous, I really envy you getting the view from Jen's house. Absolutely spectacular!

  2. Ahh, home safe. Time for some chowda! :)

  3. Mrs. Diva - The view from the clubhouse was none too shabby!

    Tom - I don't eat chowdah...but if you come up here, I will order it for you so the waitstaff understands what you want.
