Sunday, September 26, 2010


***UPDATE*** I am ready for MIDRATs! It is wild outside. The wind is really picking up and the sky is dark. Of course, we have all the windows open and I am bundled up in a I love living on the Atlantic Ocean.
OK, still limping a little, so nothing major will be accomplished today. I am researching something for an impatient friend. But in between I am watching "How-To" videos about making your own body scrubs. When I think of all the money I have spent on this stuff when I could have been whisking together my own for a fraction of the cost. Not to mention, custom blended to smell, not "close" to what I want, but "exactly" what I want.....sigh.

Anyway, I am going to laze around until it's time for MIDRATs

"From the Budget to Tet ... On Midrats"

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