Saturday, September 18, 2010

Slow Burn, LOL!

Lately the steroid hot flashes have woken me up suddenly, but this morning it happened much more gradually. I have been asleep with one brief interruption since about 9 last night, so this is very good. I am going to try to sneak back for an hour or two.

This means I will definitely make lunch with my sister Grace and my mother later today. I am going to put a little oil of bergamot on my ankles. Grace gets really bad hot flashes and has for years. When it happened to me briefly I went to the health food store and asked if they had anything. They suggested oil of bergamot. I was familiar with it as an ingredient in Earl Grey tea....not my fav. I am an Irish Breakfast girl - surprise. Anyway, putting a few drops on your ankle before sleeping is supposed to help. It did help me and I put it away when the problem stopped. I gave some to Grace. It helped but did not solve her problem. She developed a dark spot on her ankles from it. Now that the hot flashes are back, I keep forgetting to use it....surprise! I am forgetting everything.

Anyway, I just put some on and gargled with Listerine. Jen is a little under the weather and with my depressed white blood cell count, I am very nervous.

So, it's back to bed and later....lunch at Harrison's Roast Beef!

Among other things, we will toast that I have only 3 days worth of Revlimid this cycle. Tuesday morning I will be totally drug-free until the 30th! I almost have this months trips worked out. I want to visit friends in Miami & see South Beach. Then a possible train ride to the West Coast of Florida where there will be a lunch with Navy blogger "Chaotic Synaptic Activity - It's Not Random, It's Chaos". Then it's on to Kansas where I will stay with the Master and Mistress of the Castle Argghhh!!!


  1. Wow, I've gotta try that for hot flashes. If I remember...

    Have a great time traveling!! I'm excited about seeing you next month.

  2. Enjoy your travels Maggie, especially to the castle. They are my best friends in the universe. I would like to loan you my willpower that is used this summer with my chemo. (Maybe it is just Missouri stubornness but I figure every bit helps.). Best wishes to you young lady. You are in my thoughts.

  3. @Mrs. Diva, I am looking forward to it as well! I just booked it with my Southwest Rapid Rewards free flight. $2.50 to Vegas and $5.00 from PHX to BWI. You have to pay the taxes. LOL! Best deal eva!

    @Prestonious - Thanks for the offer of willpower. I need it! Not my strong suit. Or patience, lol! We will have a grand time. Are you close, will you be coming by?

  4. Unfortunatly I am 150 miles to the east of the castle. I was fortunate to spend some much needed days of R&R at the castle this summer. Give Beth a hug from me - she is a dear spirit and Massa John is a force of nature. You have the right attitude --- LIVE every day.

  5. Unfortunatly I am 150 miles to the east of the castle. I was fortunate to spend some much needed days of R&R at the castle this summer. Give Beth a hug from me - she is a dear spirit and Massa John is a force of nature. You have the right attitude --- LIVE every day.
