Friday, July 02, 2010

Sunset Parade

I have not been keeping up with #NavyWeek events.
But here is a bulletin.....6:45 pm tonight head on over to the Charlestown Navy Yard for the Sunset Parade with the crew of USS Constitution.
This was my view, I was sitting directly behind the Liberty Belles.
But you know what stirred my heart!
The Boston Police Gaelic Column. They performed a fabulous "Amazing Grace" and brought all the Sailors to their feet with "Anchors Aweigh"
Afterwards, I met one of my commenters "Iwo Jima SeaBee". I also got to chat with LCDR Brawley, public affairs officer extraodinaire!
LCDR Brawley will be on Avi Nelson's radio program tomorrow between 2 and 3 pm on WRKO...listen in. I bet he mentions #NavyWeek!

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