Sunday, July 18, 2010

Sunday Morning!

I opened my eyes at 0745 and this is my view. There are some kind of white flowers just outside the window, beyond that are the flowering shrubs of Jen's neighbor. The sky is blue. I got up, washed my face, brushed my teeth and made my bed. I went out and made my breakfast and cleaned the kitchen.

I am ready for FoxNewsSunday! Eggs, scrambled with mozzarella cheese and topped with bruchetta. The remote control, the cell phone and the laptop all handy. My parents are in the cottage, so I get to hang there. I will try to spend some time in the sun and enjoy some vitamin D - that's really important for cancer patients.

If it's Sunday, that means you should be listening to MIDRATs, navy blog talk radio. Today, My Marine is the special guest.....I will miss it live. I won't be in the chatroom. It's not my fault. No one let me know and I made plans. Doesn't matter, I will have to take a ton of shit. Help me out - listen to MIDRATs and comment in the chatroom. You can't make up for the absence of the great and powerful Goddess of the Naval Blogging Strike Force.....but a big audience might be a little balm on the wound. It will be very interesting and I will listen to the podcast as soon as I can. The topic is "COIN and the USMC's next decade" and you can pass questions through the moderator of the chatroom or call in yourself.
Then, immediately go to and listen live to Pundit Review Radio. That's where I'll be. I'll be hanging Kevin and....the most interesting radio producer in Boston.....Rob. I'll be there as my friend Bruce his great weekly segment, "Someone You Should Know". It's always worth tuning in.
I have to go make cookies now, because I never visit Pundit Review Radio without an offering for Rob! Today will be milk chocolate chip/coconut/pecan cookies.

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