Saturday, June 05, 2010

We Ended Up In Maine!!!!

****This is from Thursday. Grace & Jen wouldn't let me publish it then...OPSEC on the cookies.****
I am kicking myself I didn't take the video camera and record this adventure. I also wish we had grabbed Grace.

Since the meal Saturday - 50th Anniversary party for our parents - is chinese food we wanted "outside the box" on the favors.

This anniversary party has gone through many iterations as first my father and then my mother changed their minds about what they wanted.

First it was a party in a hall run by the four McInnis children. Then my father announced it was his anniversary not ours and he would make decisions. Whatever you say, Dad. Then it was a cruise with the them, their four children and spouses. Whatever you say, Dad. Then it was a few days in a family resort in Maine with children and grandchildren. whatever you say, Dad. Then it was dinner for 50 at the Venetian. whatever you say, Dad. Then it was dinner for 70 at the Chart house with room for them and their children at the Marriott Long wharf. Whatever you say, Dad.

Then my dad had his stroke in August and he wanted everything shelved. Whatever you say, Dad.

Finally around Christmas he came back around and said he wanted a cook out at my brother Frank's house. Whatever you say, Dad.

The final curve ball came from my mother....not a cookout....chinese food. LOL Whatever you say, Mum.

So we needed a favor that complimented that. Jennifer found it. She heard about a company that made gourmet fortune cookies - Fantastic Fortunes . She forwarded the website to us and we agreed, they were perfect. We decided that for the actual fortunes we would select favorite sayings from our parents -

"If all of your friends jumped off the Tobin, would you?"

"If you are too sick to eat, you can't play!" (there's a story with that)

"Why can't we be just like the Waltons?"

"You can't pierce your ears. if you put holes in you head, you'll sink when you swim." (I don't have pierced ears to this day)

So we drove to Rollinsford, NH...and you have to go through Maine to do it!

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