Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Movie Night For Maggie

So last night was another escapist adventure. I wanted to go to the movies, but couldn't decide between I saw both.

First I went down to Plimoth Plantation. (You can "friend" them on Facebook) They have a cinema that shows art films and foreign films. This week they are showing "The Secret In Their Eyes", the 2010 Academy Award Winner for "Best Foreign Language Film. It was BRILLIANT! I loved it. The ending had me cheering. Of course, I was cheering alone....

When I arrived I was early so I brought my book. The general admission price is $9.50. There are discounts available with membership. I was met at the door of the theater by one of the volunteer ushers. He joked he was there for crowd control....and gestured toward a completely empty theater. He also informed me that since the movie was long there would be a point where the screen would go dark for less than a minute and not to panic. LOL! I jokingly asked if that's when he would come and kick my seat and make it a horror movie?

I read my book "The War After Armageddon" by Ralph Peters, I am carrying it everywhere! When 7 pm rolled around the woman who was running the movie stuck her head in and joked that they had arranged for a private screening for me. No one else had shown up....what a shame! If you have the chance to see this movie I can't encourage you enough. Seriously, when the denoument came.....I said "YES!" right out loud!

Then I headed up to the local mall and checked in for the 9:45 pm showing of "Robin Hood"......and again, I was the only person in the theater. Again, super movie. Russell Crowe was great and Cate Blanchett was surprisingly good.

I must be honest....when Russell Crowe says "Ask me nicely"...yikes!

Also, this is a movie best seen in a theater.


  1. My mom said the same thing, that I should see Robin Hood in the theater (knowing how much I hate going to movie theaters). Do I hafta?

  2. I think so, but even if I didn't mothers have to stick together and I would have to say "Yes".

    It is a "big screen" movie. Lots of wide, sweeping shots.

    It's ok, Chris will get you popcorn and everything.

  3. ha! I like your first sentence.

    If only Chris could guarantee no public outbursts, no phone lights shining throughout the theater as people text, no screaming kids ... did I mention I don't like going to the theater? Might be a regional thing. If I can come to your deserted cineplex, we might have a deal.

  4. I know what you mean, but I find that on Tuesday nights there are very few people. Especially after the initial two weeks of release.

    That's why the "A-Team" will be difficult for me. I want to see it ASAP, but I have actually gotten into fights in movies theaters with people who didn't behave (ok, I was 19 when I had the last actual fight)
