Friday, April 09, 2010

My Black Cloud Has Not Lifted Yet

My boss got me to the airport on time. I checked my bags, passed through security, got a seat on the plane with no one beside me.

I thought things were turning around.

Then the turbulence.

I won't say it was awful, but it was unsettling. I apologized to those in my direct vicinity.
"I'm sorry about that. This is just part of my bad weekend. Last night my car engine blew up. Today my son lost his job. You will be fine once you are clear of me."

Then it was off to the hotel. My roommate, Mary Ripley picked me up at the airport and we were off to the Westin.

We got there in time to make an appearance on YouServed Radio. CJ called in, but Marcus and Bouhammer. Greta of Kiss My Gumbo was filling in for CJ. In the audience we had the charming Mrs. Bouhammer and Ponsdorf.

Mary, the blog wrangler of the United States Naval Institute blog discussed the blog and the Milbloggie they just won in the "U.S. Navy" category.

JP of was there. I think he was being interviewed at some point...but I just saw schmoozing and drinking of beer. LOL

Wendy & Sherri popped in at one point, then I lost track of them for the night - boo!

CJ told us he wanted a audio clip of me reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. Easy, right?

Marcus asked if I needed the words. I was quite dismissive of that suggestion.

We said it every day in school.

I was in the Girl Scouts.

I was a Cub Scout den mother.

I stood up and they were laughing. I turned around so I wouldn't see them teasing me.

I messed it up.


" nation under - Oh My God!"

I am stunned.

I got it in the second take. Marcus held the words in front of me, lol. It was a good comfort measure.

This morning as we ate breakfast and watched FoxNews cover the story of the Mennonite School not playing the National Anthem.
Mary comments "Unpatriotic things that start with "M".....Mennonites....Maggie"

We laughed and we're only kidding about the Mennonites. It's about freedom, the Fox&Friends interviewer needs to "get" that.

Off to Walter Reed where no one will notice me because we are going with Gina Elise.


  1. They'll notice. They'll yell "Get out of the way of Gina Elise!" But they'll notice.

  2. Wendy & Sherri popped in at one point, then I lost track of them for the night - boo!

    Darn. I failed to plan on this one, had I known all three of you were at the hotel I would have gone there first. I ended up catching up with Wendy and Sherri at another (ahem) bar later.

    Off to Walter Reed where no one will notice me because we are going with Gina Elise.

    Darn it x2. I knew I should have gone to WRAMC yesterday for those tests my doc wants done...could've seen two lovely ladies at the same time... ;-)

  3. Yup, that was me :)

    Schmoozing and drinking beer. I even made a beer run during the Show for Troy and others.

    It was great seeing you Maggie. Until next year!
