Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Milbloggers Take the Pentagon

Ok, it wasn't an invasion, we were invited. Imagine...they invited me back after last year!

After our morning adventure at Walter Reed, Bouhammer, Gina Elise, Mary Ripley and I set out across DC noon. If you've been to DC at noon, you know that we didn't want to go through Dupont Circle. But the way we are today....you have to listen to the lovely woman in the navigator's box. Bouhammer's navigator had an Australian accent. It didn't really help us. LOL Still, we made it there, even if it was by the skin of our teeth.

On our way to Walter Reed I had recieved a direct message from my fav Navy Tweep @NavyNews. "This is LT Sweetser. Do U want 2 come to 2 milblog soc med PNT tour & panel today @ 12:45? If yes, need fullname.plz DM me here"

LOL! Someone doesn't know my real name?????

I answered that I was on the list, look for "Diane". You see, even I know that the Pentagon would frown on my using "BostonMaggie".

So the tour was led by Lindy Kyzer.....in impossible high heels that she walked in backwards! the tour ended in a conference room full of public affairs officers. And there was @NavyNews!!!! CAPT Dave Werner is just as nice and funny as he is on Twitter. If you don't follow him, you are missing out. I say that not just because I am a Navy girl, his tweets are funny and engaging for everyone.

@NavyNews asked what I was doing after the meeting and I said I was doing whatever he was doing! LOL, I can't believe he had to ask! The Navy wanted to take me over to their side of the Pentagon. Yay! I quickly introduced Mary and she was invited as well. Then I pulled over Wendy, a fellow Navy blogger from "My Military Life".

Then we took our seats. Everyone represented their service very well, although Baldilocks gave the "raised eyebrow" to the Air Force. But that's just the way it is, right? You want your own service to shine. I know how she feels.

I sent out a few Tweets, but phone service was sketchy.

Wikileaks came up, but it was bound to. It was very nearly the hottest topic of the conference.

When the meeting broke up, I was introduced to CDR Scott McIlnay, LT Sweetser and some others.

Then it was off to CHINFO!


  1. How great was it to have you here - FINALLY. Honestly we were kicking ourselves for not carving out more time from the already ambitious MILBLOG sked, but we were very much thrilled with the time we did get to spend with you. We're slowly but steadily coming up to speed on how important and meaningful the work you, @publicrelations & @soldiersangels, @NavyCS, @NavalInstitute, @mymilitarylife, @kissmygumbo, etc do on behalf of our Sailors & their families and veterans. Besides being an honor to tour you around, it was a HOOT! We'll see you next time you come through, right?

  2. You and CHINFO will never get rid of me!!!

    I have been bragging for days about how great Navy was at this Milblog. That includes you, Scott, Kaye, RDML Moynihan, and ADM Harvey.

    Thank you very much for all you do for me always.

  3. Meeting with the CHINFO folks was a highlight
