Sunday, April 25, 2010

Is There Anything Better....

...than whiling away the afternoon lounging, reading, moving between the jacuzzi, the sauna, the pool......

Who invented the jacuzzi? I love that man.

I have Cosmo because that is the decadent choice and what is Princess Crabby if not decadent.....but that Ralph Peters book "War After Armageddon". Yeah, I know, it's kind of dark, but it's really good. Plus I think I am in a bit of a dark place right now with the house and the car and stuff.....

Now it's off to dinner....and drinks!

1 comment:

  1. Maggie, one thing to do is read a great Coast Guard Heroes screenplay...

    I am a screenwriter who has written a feature film about Coast Guard heroes fighting the war on terror. It's an "action" film, the kind of movie that John Wayne used to make -- nowadays its Russell Crowe, Bruce Willis, or Nick Cage. (Captain John Cameron -- CG Academy '84, retired Port Commander for Charleston, S.C. -- has consulted on the script and loves the story).

    I am trying to enhance the possibility of it being made by developing a blog-based viral campaign for it. To get a better idea of the project, please visit:

    If you like that type of movie, please download and read the script, and if you like it (and I think you will), tell me how I can get the word out on your Blog.

    Please know, in advance, that I truly appreciate your help and your input.

    With my thanks,

    Gary Davis
