Thursday, April 01, 2010

4th Annual Milbloggies

Nominations are open.

Rules are here.

The United States Naval Institute sponsors a group blog that you can read here -

It has the best of the Naval Blogosphere; well known bloggers - CDR Salamander, Eagle1, Galrahn of Information Dissemination, Springboard, Steeljaw Scribe. New bloggers Ultimate Ratio Regis & the Bunny. Non-blogging Navy insiders - ADM Harvey & MIDN Withington. Plus much more including Coast Guard perspective. In all the USNI blog is a unique collection of bloggers. You will not find anything else quite so comprehensive on the web when it comes to covering the US Navy.

The 2010 Fourth Annual MILbloggies has officially kicked off today, and runs through April 7, 2010 until 11:59 PM EST. The MILbloggies are currently in the nomination phase, which will last until Saturday, April 3 11:59 PM. The top 5 nominees in each eligible category then move into the Voting Phase starting Sunday, April 4.

I really want the Naval Institute blog to get this award. The other nominees are very good blogs and among my favorites, Everything I like about the individual blogs already nominated is in the USNI blog.... and more.

Please help me by going and nominating the USNI blog

You can help me -
Go to and sign in or sign up. There is an annoying pop up window, I apologize. Signing up is five simple boxes to fill in with name, email and password, six if you count verifying the password. Be sure to "uncheck" the "subscribe me to Milblogging newsletter" unless you really want it and "check" the "I agree to terms..."

Ok, you're there and signed in. Go to the Naval Institute's page.

Do you want to see the standing for all Milblogs? Go here.

I would also ask that you push this out to your email circle as well.

Thank you for helping me!

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