Monday, March 22, 2010

Bed in Two Minutes - I Swear!

Just back from Jen's. I am exhausted!

I was up with the birds to do laundry & get to CCD. Then into work for a bit.

Then a meet-up with my good friend, CDR Junge who is in Boston for a seminar/symposium thing. There was a "welcome-to-the-conference" reception....I crashed it. I got a seriously awesome birthday present....I'll get Rachael to take a pic of it tomorrow at work, my hands are too shaky now.

Then down to Jen's for The Pacific

I wasn't disappointed! I watched it live while she was at dinner, then we watched the added content in "On Demand" & Episode 1 (my 3rd viewing). Then at midnight, I watched Episode 2 for the 2nd time (Jen's 1st).

Now bed.

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