Monday, February 08, 2010

There's Linky Love.....

...and then there is the NRO orgy I was part of yesterday.

In the morning I got a Tweet about a link at National Review Online Weekend page. My CDR Lippold post was linked. It was listed under NRO Web Briefing.

Normally the blog gets 250 or so hits per day during the week, a little less on the weekend.

Yesterday? 3,926 visits.

Holy cow!

Today there was still some NRO love coming, the sitemeter lists 1,311 visits for today so far.

There were four items listed in the "Web Briefing" on the front page yesterday.....Huffington Post......Washington Post......USNI blog post by Claude Berube "From DADT to DKDC".....and me!

Thanks Greg! I follow Greg on Twitter and he is hilarious.

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