Sunday, February 14, 2010

Sunday Musings

I am enjoying a nice low key Sunday. I am in work, on call because both owners are out of town. Otherwise I think I might have snuck off to Foxwoods. It would be lovely to sit in their pool area on a sunny day.

But I made the best of it! I used my new Lavender & Calendula Salt Scrub .... is it wise to mention it was also an anonymous gift that I receieved last weekend? Well, regardless, it was just decadent and I love the smell and feel of it. Nevermind that I feel quite virtuous because I didn't spend over a hundred dollars on a spa body polish to feel this way.

Then I do what all New Englanders do on sunny February Sundays.....I went to the car wash! LOL, and I vacuumed the car earlier in the week. Again, good girl points.....

Now I am in work, enjoying my flowers, listening to Dick Cheney on "This Week".

Midrats is coming up in an hour. This week - Galrahn, Phibian Salamander and Eagle1 are discussing "The Response to Piracy" with Daniel Sekulich and my Pirate Guy, Kevin Doherty of Nexus Consulting Group of Alexandria . Join us in the chat room.


  1. Thanks for joining in the chat and for the nice plug.

    We ought to put you to explain "Bostonese" to us.

  2. LOL! I am writing my blog post on it as I listen to the podcast.

    You guys tease me, but Daniel was the cutie today with his Canadian accent.
