Monday, February 15, 2010

The New Siskel & Ebert?

Troy of Bouhammer (pronounced Boo-Ham-Ah) and Alex of Army of Dude (a guy who'll never steal my seat again), have written reviews for movie "The Hurt Locker".

This movie is getting some serious attention which I find kind of comical. It's just so ordinary and sticks to the "formula" that I can't believe it stayed on anyone's radar. But it didn't have an overt political message and it was a war movie directed by a woman.

Anyway, snippets of their reviews made Wikipedia in the paragraph titled "Response from Veterans" . Color me impressed.

I'll see you two in the balcony?

Actual review from Alex is here - and from Troy is here.

My take on the movie - it was ok and I didn't pay for it. So I guess that's a thumbs up. YMMV

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