Saturday, February 06, 2010

If I Had Known....

...I would have played it like the "voice of God".....

I was lazing in bed having hit the snooze when the phone rang. It was Kevin from Pundit Review Radio. So I answered "What's up, trouble?" No answer. "Having trouble with your phone?" I laughed. No answer. Then I hear a very quiet "Maggie, I'm in St. Patrick's Cathedral and my phone dialed you." I whispered back, "You're going to hell, bye." Leaving the cell phone on in church, I mean really! LOL! Apparently his phone was trying to reach fellow Catholics.

Kevin is in New York for a visit and you can follow his tweets here. Last night's food tweets and tweetpics from WD-50 were killing me.

So now I have finished my perfect poached eggs and toast and I am headed into the shower.

1 comment:

  1. Probably God letting you know that he is actually a Red Sox fan.
