Friday, February 19, 2010

EPIIC Friday Sked

Yeah, I promised blogging at night.....clearly I lied.

I loved Thursday evening's program (details here). But I didn't get out until nearly 10:30. Then I grabbed up Tom from work and gave him a ride home. Now the house is full of kids playing cards (three of my four boys are here). I have to get to bed.

I saw the West Point cadets.....where are the Annapolis midshipmen? Do they know to look for me?

I have to be up early to run errands (REMEMBER to grab Nic's laptop!!!) and get to Cabot Hall for the first panel of Friday. No links in this for now. I will try to get to that later.

So, instead here is the EPIIC Friday schedule.

• South Asia’s Troubled Waters: Deluge and Disappearance, 11:00am

Junaid Ahmad World Bank Sector Manager for Social Development, South Asia Region

Sanjoy Hazarika Managing Trustee, Centre for North East Studies and Policy Research, India

Shafiqul Islam Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Tufts University

Adil Najam Director, Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study of the Longer-Range Future, Boston University; Co-Coordinator, South Asia 2060 Project
• Development, Poverty and Inequality: The Challenges Ahead, 2:00pm

Junaid Ahmad World Bank Sector Manager for Social Development, South Asia Region

David Dapice Associate Professor of Economics, Tufts University; Faculty Associate, Ash Center for Democratic Governance and Innovation, Kennedy School, Harvard University

Dana Freyer Chair and Founder, Global Partnership for Afghanistan

Hossain Zillur Rahman Founder, Power and Participation Research Centre, Dhaka, Bangladesh; Former Minister of Commerce and Education, Caretaker Government of Bangladesh

Rafia Zakaria Director, Amnesty International USA; Director, Muslim Women’s Legal Defense Fund for the Muslim Alliance of Indiana/The Julian Center Shelter
Student presentations
Jennifer Dann-Fenwick (A’12) and Anika Huq (A’12) on “Comparing Primary Schools in Bangladesh: A Story of Inequalities and Diverging Attitudes” EPIIC Student, 2009-10 “South Asia: Conflict, Culture, Complexity and Change” Colloquium; he conducted this research as part of his course work over winter intersession
Anna Gilmer (A’12) and Mark Rafferty (A’13) on “NGOs and Community Development in Bangladesh” EPIIC Students, 2009-10 “South Asia: Conflict, Culture, Complexity and Change” Colloquium; they conducted this research in Bangladesh as part of their course work over winter intersession
• Buzkashi: Afghanistan’s Recurring Great Game, 7:00pm

Sarah Chayes Former Special Advisor to General Stanley McChrystal, Commander of the International SAssistance Force in Afghanistan; Founder, Arghand Cooperative, Afghanistan

Matthew Hoh Former Senior Civilian Representative, US Department of State, Zabul Province, Afghanist

Said Jawad Afghanistan Ambassador to the United States of America

Sulaiman Layeq Founding Member, People’s Democratic Party of Afghanistan

David Mansfield Fellow, Carr Center for Human Rights Policy, Harvard Kennedy School; Independent Consultant, for a range of organizations, including the UK Government and the World Bank, on illicit drugs in Afghanistan

Dipali Mukhopadhyay Author, “Warlords as Bureaucrats: The Afghan Experience”; Jennings Randolph Dissertation Scholar, U.S. Institute of Peace

Noor ul-Haq Olomi Chair, Armed Services Committee, Lower House of the Afghan National Assembly; Leader, United National Party of Afghanistan
Student Presentation
Julia Evans (A’13), Mara James (A’10), Iman Jawad (A’11), Lauren Milord (A’12), Katherine Monson (A’13), Emily Pantalone (A’12), Benjamin Perlstein (A’13) Patrick Schmidt (A’13) on “Comparing Soviet and American Strategies in Afghanistan”
EPIIC Students, 2009-10 “South Asia: Conflict, Culture, Complexity and Change” Colloquium; they conducted this research at the National Security Archive as part of their course work over winter intersession

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