Saturday, January 09, 2010

Headed Off To White Plains

Jen has to go stay in New York for a bit so Grace and I are driving out with her to get her settled in.

Deb & Gen sent texts asking if they could go. But of course! Now it's a party.

We will have Girl's Weekend West! The girls are bringing sleeping bags. There will be movies and popcorn and lots of laughs. We will make fun of Jennifer Dombrowski-Scott. I have to come up with something besides "asshat" since Stella thinks I can do better. But really, that whole group - "ass" "assclown" "jackass" "asshat", they amuse me to no end. However, I have missed Stella in the comments, so we shall endeavor to keep her entertained.

So tonight will be fun, but there is some stiff competition....last night was a blast! Went to dinner with Bill & Linda. I got to really cut loose since I had a designated driver. We had dinner at Atlantica in Cohasset. I understand the view is fabulous, but last night was snowy and blustery. No matter! Fabio and his fellow bartenders took great care of us. We started with really good calamari (Bill & Linda had oysters....blech). There was a toast to troublemakers since we decided that was a title that applied to each of us. After some delicious salmon (see, I remembered that the nutritionist said that was really good for me - although he didn't mention the Cape Codders to wash it down) and lots of laughs, we headed off to their fav hangout. There was a couple from Southie and a guy from Dorchester, so I explained to Bill that if there was a problem, I would have to take their side against him even though we just's a city thing. The guy from Dorchester thought that was pretty funny.

And there were presents! I'll add a pic later, but I'm too excited to wait to post about it! Since Bill reads the blog, he knew how much I would appreciate a christening coin for USS Missouri SSN-780.

How awesome is that?

So, there was food and drink and laughs and presents and chocolate!

My Marine has the duty this weekend....I'll bet he's jealous.


  1. I'd brave the snow to join the party, Maggie. Have fun! I missed you, too... a lot.

  2. The Gunny... ...will never be the'll have to revisit the scene of the crimes. 'OFD' sends his regards. Safe trip, see you soon.
    B & L
