Sunday, December 27, 2009

Sometimes My Marine Gives Me A Headache

"Why not, what can it hurt"

Ok, so I did it.

Now I have a headache.

He's a bastid.


  1. Uh-oh. You were playing Cardinal Puff with tequila shooters...?

  2. Oh, my Marine is more evil than tequila.

  3. Your Marine is not evil. He just is. Any assertions of evil, both of intent and result, are merely projections of your own actions and motivations.

    And Your Marine feels just awful that you had to suffer through having your meal bought for you at a fancy schmansy restaurant. Oh, the agony.

  4. Cheescake Factory is not "fancy-schmancy", but I was happy with my Chicken Bellagio".

  5. Oh, and by the way....I notice that you concede I did suffer. We have noted that for the record.

  6. Dearie, that was sarcasm. S-A-R-C-A-S-M. Sarcasm. But you should feel good about that. I have heard that "tact is user for people too stupid to understand sarcasm".

    And I wasn't tactful. So there you have it.

  7. Just admit it was your fault adn be done with it.

    Then I can pronounce sentence and you can begin making it up to me.

  8. Oh cut it out. We have free choice.

  9. Are you saying I get to choose? It's totally my call?

    I have a list.

  10. Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now keep it up!
