Sunday, November 08, 2009

Sometimes, I Could Just Explode

***UPDATE*****Go here and sign a petition to express your support for Old Ironsides, her officers and her Sailors. There is also a spot to leave a personal comment. Be nice! I was (it only hurt a little)*****
I want to take these people and shake them and say "Really? You really think anyone should listen to you?"

Perhaps this is why I was not on the short list of people suggested to the CNO to handle this matter?

It seems there are a few very selfish people living in the condos near USS Constitution.
‘More disruptive ... than you might have imagined’
From the article -

“We offer a few ideas for consideration:
A reduction in the size of the battery charge would help.
In the morning, a reduction in the National Anthem volume would help.
On Sat and Sun, would you be open to eliminating or delaying the morning salute to say 9am?
As a final note, we had guests . . . and let them know to expect the morning salute. Nonetheless, they were very startled by the volume and concussion of the salute ceremony.”


Fortunately, it appears that this couple is among a teeny-tiny minority

"Charlestown residents make noise over cannon protests"
My friend and fellow Townie, CDR Gillen, former commanding officer of USS Constitution puts it in perspective and shrugs them off with a laugh. He also raises my point in this -

“It’s stirring up a hornet’s nest. Just think of the uproar there will be if they stop, and all the people who are patriotic and concerned will be fuming,” he said.

You know it Bob!!

Honestly the Navy knew what they were doing when they sent the unflappable CDR Cooper to handle this instead of me. Bravo Zulu Tim and as they say "God love ya!!"

Tone down the National Anthem??? All I can do it shake my head and take solace in the fact that most commenters to the articles in the Herald & the Globe laugh at these people.


  1. Do they not know the history of the area they reside in. or were they asleep in school when history was taught this I'd expect in Calif! but for heavens sake the Boston proper area, Paul Revere is rolling over in his grave. Do they not remember " THE BATTLE OF BUNKER HILL "
    Those very guns were made in 1797era and still firing

    What I wouldn't give to hear the thunder of "OLD IRONSIDES " at posting of colors and retiring of colors daily
    count your blessing people
    BOBC WW2 crew member U.S.S.Massachusetts (BIG MAMIE)

  2. As seen at a sign on the entrance to the Marine Corps Air Station, Cherry Point, NC: "Pardon our noise, it's the sound of freedom."

