Friday, October 30, 2009

Project Valour-IT Fundraiser Begins

This page will stay on top until November 11, 2009 and new stuff will post below.

Are you onboard?

First off, if you are a blogger who comes here, you should be on #TeamNavy. Once you are added to the Blogroll, you should automatically be directed to the page that lets you add a widget. If you have any technical difficulties with the widget, email me, I've got people. And despite what SJS says....they are not chained in the hull of a ship.

Next, do you have a Twitter account? You can add a #Valour-IT Twibbon to your avatar to show support. Then please retweet #Valour-IT tweets and use the hashtag.

Ok, maybe you don't have a blog....but I bet you have a FaceBook account. That's great too! If you go to this page, select the FaceBook icon and fill in your FB info. It will post to your Facebook. We also have an event page on FaceBook, go and RSVP.

There is an official Valour-IT blog and of course, everything you could ever want to know is on their webpage.

So you've looked at everything above and you've decided that you are not comfortable with clicking through to donate problem, here's the mailing info
Soldiers Angels
1792 E. Washington Blvd
Pasadena, CA 91104
I would simply request that you mark your check as being for #TeamNavy.

OK, that was all the technical stuff. There will be posts below where I write about the accomplishments of the charity, post testimonials from Valour-IT technology recipients and link to other bloggers' Valour-IT posts. We have until November 11, 2009 to raise a pile of money to help bring this technology to our wounded military......raise awareness of the whole Project Valour-IT (it runs year round)......and to beat the snot out of the Army Team.


  1. Okay, I suppose I really shouldn't be over here on Team Navy. However, Team Army cordially extends the mop of peace to you for enter the giveaway on The Kitchen Dispatch. It's just for people who have blogged about PV IT today.

    Cool Joe has donated something nice and brand new!

  2. I'd comment - but am mindful of the lash... ;)
    - SJS

  3. Team Navy is Underway on Angel Power...hoo-rah!

  4. I'M FOUND YOU!!!

    Great Reader, KIM Jong IL

    Me have probbrem with widgetty thing...oh well...GO TEAM ARMY!!!

  5. I found you, Maggie!!!

    It was great meeting you looong time!!! Good ruck Navy! GO ARMY!!!


  6. Team Air Force here - via a friend - as you know. But, thanks for the kind words over at my place. Much appreciated!

  7. Temple 27 Navy 24. Now that one hurts! LOL

  8. I really like when people are expressing their opinion and thought. So I like the way you are writing
