Friday, October 23, 2009

October 23rd In Naval History

October 23, 1944 - 65 years ago today The Battle of Leyte Gulf, a series of separate battles, begins with attacks on Japanese ships.

There wil be more about The Battle of Leyte Gulf in the next few days.

October 23, 1983 - Terrorist bombing of Marine barracks at Beirut airport in Lebanon kills 241 members of the 24th Marine Amphibious Unit

To read more here are some links -

UltimaRatioReg posts at USNI blog
23 October 1983; A Blast that Still Echoes

The Armorer posts at The Castle Argghhh!!!
23 October, 1983. Some people you should remember

Arlington National Cemetary Website
Terrorist Bombing of The Marine Barracks, Beirut Lebanon

My post from last year had a list of links to blogs commemorating the 25th anniversary of the day.
October 23, 1983

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