Friday, September 18, 2009

Normally I am A Very Pleasant Drunk

Maybe I had some underlying anxiety....

It started out well enough. We got to Orta and picked a stand-up table in the bar with a view of both big screen TVs. As we arranged ourtselves around it, it became clear that some guy at the bar would be trapped. So we spotted another table and headed over. The two guys at the table beside us joked "Where are you going? Was it something we said?" So turned my back to the closest one and said "I didn't want to move. I wanted to stay here all night and do this..." and rubbed my backside against him. They laughed, I hadn't even ordered my first drink.

We had the designated driver discussion and I was off!

SB called and told me he had dinner plans and would speak to me another night. I got snippy, forgetting that of course it would be too late for him to call me when he got in....Ketel One erased the memory of the 3 hour time difference. Which would have been fine, but you know Jen had to say something about how unreasonable I was being with her BFF. Why was it so much less aggravating when he was 8 hours ahead of me? Maybe because I hate California. If he comes back tainted, I'll be mad.

The next phone call was someone who didn't make the cut with the Rotation and can't take no for an answer.....that didn't go well for him.

Fortunately after that it was all fun and laughs. Delicious dinner...too many carbs. But hey, wait til you read about Saturday and my cousin Jessica!

Now I have to go out to Twitter and Facebook to see what trouble I caused, since I got online when they poured me into my house. Jen told me to go right to bed...but are you surprised that I didn't do as I was told?


  1. The drunk bus is such a happy place when you aren't the one driving it...LOL Last night was fun, as usual. The ladies and I haven't been out in a while so it was nice to catch up. My sister so rarely asks to drink how could I possibly refuse! That however turned out not to be the problem though. The real problem isn't the walking off and talking to strangers thing because after all she couldn't possibly get away from me plus I'm absolutely convinced anyone who would dare to take her would surely give her right back. The real problem is she is a classic drunk texter. After all, "you should never write when you can speak and never speak when you can nod." There are worse things than the hangover aren't there Maggie…..

  2. No hangover! You know the only hangover I have ever had was when I was drinking with those bastids Schippert & ConcreteBob.

    I feel fabulous and Nic is happy that I fell off the Atkins bus because she got munchkins.

    Sherri asked how it was and I said it was great for me.....maybe not so much for other people, lol!

    There were untoward emails for the Marine & the Ogre got a drunk rambling voice mail.

  3. As we arranged ourselves around it, it became clear that some guy at the bar would be trapped.

    And so you *moved*?

  4. My Darling Chief....are you insinuating that I need to trap them?

  5. *Perish* the thought.

    I just figured you'd recognize the tactical advantage you'd been handed and act on it accordingly...

  6. Don't forget your birthday wish for me and the warping that occurred in your perception of the space time contiuum.

  7. Keep posting stuff like this i really like it
