Friday, July 31, 2009

John Quincy Adams On Twitter?

From the Beehive, the official blog of the Massachusetts Historical Society

To Russia With Tweets
By Jeremy Dibbell
Back in late May I wrote a post here titled "Was JQA a Tweeter?," in which I noted a visitor's observation of the similarities between John Quincy Adams' line-a-day diary entries and the micro-blog posts produced on Twitter. Well, that got the wheels spinning here at MHS, and when we realized that JQA begins a long series of line-a-day entries on 5 August 1809 as he departs on his voyage to Russia (where he would serve as the first American ambassador), we decided some opportunities are just too good to pass up.

Read the rest here.

Follow @JQAdams_MHS on Twitter

H/T Bostonist - thanks! I love this story.

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