Thursday, July 09, 2009

Free "Fun Fridays" for the Entire Summer!

Free "Fun Fridays" for the Entire Summer!
Free Admission to some of Massachusetts’ most treasured resources
Underwritten by the Highland Street Foundation

The Free Friday for July 10th is the John F Kennedy Museum off of (or as we say here "offa") Morrissey Boulevard at Columbia Point in Dorchester.

Tomorrow the weather in Boston will be perfect! 74 & sunny. Columbia Point juts out into Boston Harbor. Bring a picnic lunch and enjoy it here.

Between this and SailBoston - tomorrow is the day to hit the city. See the museum have your picnic, then head on up to the Charlestown Navy Yard and see USCG Cutter Eagle, Picton Castle & Bluenose II and the flagship of the Irish Navy - LE Eithne. They are visiting my favs USS Constitution & USS Cassin Young.

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