Thursday, July 16, 2009

Do You Think..... friend ADM Keating is reading along with The Solomons Campaign Blog Project?

I know he is pretty busy -

HONOLULU, Hawaii (July 15, 2009) - Adm. Timothy J. Keating, commander of U.S. Pacific Command, greets Emperor Akihito, Emperor of Japan, during a visit to the National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific. The Emperor and his wife, Empress Michiko, here being greeted by Hawaii Governor Linda Lingle, paid homage to those interred at the cemetary by laying a wreath. More than 50,000 service men and women are interred at the cemetery. (U.S. Air Force photo/Staff Sgt. LuCelia Ball) 090715-F-2507B-174

But you know, we're only two posts in - he could catch up!

Just scroll down (and pay no attention to that Army General I'm fawning over) for links

Our WWII Sweep Across The Pacific Begins

Status of the United States Fleet and Plans After Midway

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