Thursday, July 16, 2009

Didja Eva Wonder About Navy Boot Camp?

Well here's a YouTube vid giving you a behind the scenes tour.

The United States Navy maintains a YouTube channel with many other interesting vids , you should subscribe, I do!


  1. I love it... propaganda at its finest!

  2. Great Lakes surely has changed A LOT. Back in '83 I spent a "mini camp" there. You see, little Boq was once a Sea Cadet aka Sea Pup.

    Back then, it seems that the whole base was vintage Korean War. No air conditioner in the barracks, hangar-like exercise facilities, and smallish galley down the road. No simulators and a barnlike shooting range.

    The training was the same as that of regular recruits, we went through what the call today the red and white phases of the training. While the regular recruits did their final blue phase.

    In some shoebox, I still have an embarassing I.D. from that period.
