Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Toss A Few Bucks In this Pot

No Greater Sacrifice (“NGS”) serves to bridge the educational development for the children of our nation’s fallen heroes.

The 2009 NGS Endurance Team's mission is focused.
We run to support the education of four children: Zach (age 8), Levi (age 6), Sam (age 5) and Hannah (age 3). Their father, Staff Sergeant William S. Jackson II, passed away after an improvised explosive device detonated near his vehicle in Ramadi, Iraq, on November 11, 2006 while on a mission supporting Operation Iraqi Freedom.

Tessa Robinson's Fundraising Page

And Tessa has a blog you can check out here.

Tessa is the one who found me on Twitter (Surprise! I am @BostonMaggie - yeah, I know, no imagination) and told me about her plan to raise money by running in a marathon on 25 OCT 09

Go toss a few bucks in this pot.....I did....apparently I didn't realize how much loose change Frankie and his friends had dropped in the couch cushions.

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