Sunday, May 17, 2009

Operation Continuing Promise '09

Yeah, I'm late again......Tuesday morning I participated in a Blogger's Roundtable featuring CAPT Lineberry, Mission Commander for CP '09. There were some technical difficulties sothe time we got rolling it was just Beth Wilson (of Homefront In Focus), moderator MC3 Selby and myself.

CAPT Lineberry made a brief opening statement describing all the different countries participating in CP '09 and all the NGOs they were working with. It's amazing that the United States through it's Navy can pull together all these diverse groups and provide them with a platform from which to do amazing things.

And the things they are accomplishing are indeed amazing - as of the time of the call Tuesday morning, one and half months into a four month deployment - they had just treated their 25,000th patient.

25,000 patients. Think about that.

25,000 lives impacted for the better.

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