Tuesday, April 14, 2009

A Request From a Soldier's Angel

***UPDATE**** Good job! Roselle won and by several hundred. The soldier and his family are headed out on a great vacation!****
I want something from you all. I won't cost anything. Just a few clicks with your mouse.

Roselle Portin is a Soldier's Angel and her adopted soldier is coming home soon. She wants to do something special for him and his family. She found a "'Win a Family Dude Ranch Vacation" contest.

All I am asking is that you go to the website and vote for Roselle.

It's very easy.

Step One - Click on this link for the "Red Horse Mountain Ranch"

Step Two - On the right, just under the banner, click on "Win A Famile Dude Ranch Vacation at Reg Horse Mountain Ranch"

Step Three - Vote for Roselle Portin, she is the first entry.

How easy is that?

Hurry up, it ends soon, and pass it along.
Each computer can only vote once so you need your friends and family to vote! The winner will be chosen April 15, 2009 at 12 pm PST.

*****UPDATE***** Apparently I am a little slow on my Amoxicillin/Keflex/Oxycodone regemin. Skip Step One. Go right to Step Two.

Vote for Roselle Portin.