Sunday, January 25, 2009

It Probably Wasn't Fair.....

...but all's fair in love and war and winning isn't's the only....oh, I'm off track.

I ambushed my parents before Mass. It was 10:30 and we were just relaxing before we headed up the hill.

"Oh, hang on. I want to tell you something. Grace and Jen told you that the chemo didn't work, right?"

My mother nods and my father says "Yeah, they are going to try something else?"

" I stopped taking everything and I told them I'm not going to take anything for two months. Well....I will tell them. When I talk to them."

So I laid out my reasons, pretty much the same way I laid them out in this post.

My mother stood up and said "Ok, it's your cancer."

Off we went to Mass. It was the 10th anniversary Mass for my grandmother.

Father Mahoney was, as usual, wonderful. Have I mentioned lately that I love him.

After Mass we were hanging back at my parent's house and my niece Kelly said "I forgot her name was Grace." We were laughing and Kelly tried to defend herself saying that we always called her "Mama" never "Grace". We just kept laughing and teasing her. Then she said she didn't know her mother's grandmother's name either....we laughed harder....."Her name was Irene.....your middle were named for her!"

I explained about the chemo to my aunt and cousins. Everyone took it well. they all I agree I deserve a break after the last four months.

Over all it was a great family day.


  1. Bravo! I'm so glad you have the support of your family and hope you will keep us informed. I know there's a lot of people out there supporting you.

    I admire your courage for standing up for what's right for you.

  2. So glad it all went over well! :)

  3. My family is great. I only worried that they would try to overrule me out of concern. My father still may after he has time to think about it....
