Wednesday, October 08, 2008

The Sword Cuts Both Ways

Every politician running for any office from selectman to President of the United States plays the endorsement/association game. You go to any rally and the candidate will have local luminaries. He will speak of other politicians and civic leaders that he or she has worked with.

Why? Well, they want you to associate their name with other successful, likeable people.

Obama has appeared on stage with many popular politicians. He seems particularly proud of his 30 retired generals and admirals.

But that sword cuts both ways. If you want us to take into account the people who support you or have worked with you.....we have to count them all.

You want people in America to know that Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg supports you, fine. But then people have to consider that for 20 years you sat and listened to Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

You want people in America to know that Oprah supports you, fine. But then people have to consider that Tony Rezko got you a nifty real estate deal.

You want people in America to know that the NEA endorses you, fine. But then people have to consider that ACORN endorses you.

You want people in America to know that General Merrill "Tony" McPeak supports you, fine. But then people have to consider this.

Your political career was launched in the living room of a pair of domestic terrorists.

Ayers & his wife Bernadine Dohrn (“Dig it! First they killed those pigs and then they put a fork in their bellies. Wild!”) associated with you and helped you. I realize that this connection is a few years old, but I find it very telling that you tamped it down as you began your Presidential run. That tells me that you looked around and thought "Hey, these two could hurt me, I think I'll have them step out of the picture."

For once...........we agree.

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