Tuesday, October 21, 2008

I Was In History/Navy/Charlestown Geek Heaven!!!!!

That's what I told the girls in work when I walked in the door.......three hours late!

But, let me tell you, it was totally worth it!

I was invited to the "Grog Ceremony" for the USS Constitution's 211th anniversary.

The ceremony was at 0900 and I figured it would go about an hour or so. That would put me in work by noon. But then the coolest opportunity presented itself and I was there until 1300.

I will write lots more about this, but for the moment I must actually buckle down and work.

But trust me....for a history buff.....a Navy girl.....and a Townie.....it was a great day.

Bonus - Today is the day before steroids....so this is the best my week gets. My parents remarked on how much better I looked today than Sunday, lol.

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