Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I'm Exhausted!

I did my civic duty today and worked in my town as an appointed election official - Clerk Precinct 2. The day started at 0530 with hitting "snooze", "snooze", "snooze". I made it to the polls by 0630 - I was supposed to be there at 0615. No one was surprised. I was given a wide berth.........they don't call me Princess Crabby for nothing!

When the polls closed and we reconciled all our numbers - we never get overturned in recounts, we are really careful and really good - Ed wanted dinner. So it was off the East Bay Grille and Dick, my favorite bartender.

Tomorrow is Dr. Schlossman at the Dana Farber. It's an interview for me and for him. My case is interesting and we'll see if he gets me or I stay with Dr. Miller at Tufts, New England Medical.

My Dad is taking me. This is going to be tough. I can't talk to my father about this. I can't look upset in front of him. I will have to be relentlessly cheerful. I will be wise (as in "ass", not *smart*) and hide behind that.

Wish me luck!

I had a problem with my Milblog Conference registration and the most wonderful Andi (of Andi's World) took care of it. I am so grateful. I dumped it on her at the last minute when she has a million things to do to get ready for this........and she was so gracious about it. Thanks Andi!

OK, off to bed. I could sleep for ten hours. I will have to settle for seven.


  1. My mother works at a lot of the elections and always complains about all the old people coming in to vote. Anyways, see you at ye olde Milbloggies!

  2. "I will be wise (as in "ass", not *smart*)"

    Like there was EVER any doubt? :)

    Get your bags packed woman! See ya Friday.....
