Wednesday, September 24, 2008

How's This For A Compliment?

"First off, she's like oxygen, she appears to be everywhere at one time, and where there was fire, you'd find her."

And that's only part of what TSO wrote about me.

This is the whole thing -
"Let me tell you people, this woman is something else. First off, she's like oxygen, she appears to be everywhere at one time, and where there was fire, you'd find her. I think the only adjective that fits is "vivacious" and that is to downplay her presence. At one point she was giving out advice to the single women present, advice BTW that I will not share here, but which every male would have whole heartedly seconded VERY loudly. She's wonderful, and it was an absolute pleasure meeting her."

Baby, you were a lot of fun too. And when you find the woman of your dreams (I already know about some of his searches), if she needs a tutorial on that subject, I will be happy to help out. Every girl should know about this.


  1. haha, I heard about that tutorial.

  2. And???????

    You do agree it's very important for all parties involved to have this vital knowledge.

    You do agree that I am performing a valuable service in educating these women.


  3. Absolutely, no more "raking" works out well for us dudes.

  4. I know my next boyfriend will thank you!

  5. Good Lord Maggie, what did I miss?
