Saturday, August 02, 2008

My First GOE Thing

I was supposed to blog all about this, but (my apologies to Gathering of Eagles) I'm going to be lucky to make it!

There is going to be a silly anti-war protest on the Boston Common today.........hello? We have won the war in Iraq, we are just mopping up now. To leave now is like leaving a last bite of your dessert, pushing it away and saying you are on a diet.

Anyway, we are going to stand in front of the recruiting office on Tremont and make sure there is no nonsense.

I don't have a sign......I know. I am not prepared. But the day is just all crazy anyway. I was going early, going to Mass, then pick up some things from the Constitution Museum for my trip, then to the GOE group. But now Kathy has made me promise I will stay and meet her for dinner. So I moved Mass from 0730 to 1600.

You know I am not a morning person, but 0730 is the best. It's in the chapel and it's small and intimate. The people who are there, seriously want to be there. I don't think I am spilling a secret when I tell you that some people at the regular Sunday services, aren't really paying attention....they are just chefcking a box. You haul your but up to 0730 Mass in the chapel, especially on a rainy winter want to be there. So Mass in the chapel is always better.

All right, I have to get in the shower.


  1. You *will* remember your ladylike decorum and regal sense of noblesse oblige, I trust. And remember to use the "Royal We" -- as in, "My dear sir, we consider you a rampaging a$$hat on rollerskates. You have our permission to depart from our sight."

  2. Maggie,

    Thanks for coming down to Tremont Street today to help stand up for my Brothers and Sisters over in Iraq!

    May we see you at many more GOE things!

    FYI, don't forget my Blog Talk Radio show tomorrow night 8:00 PM, for the After Action Report of today's freak show!
