Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Remember Al Gore's House?

Last April I had a post comparing Al "I'm-Saving-The Planet" Gore's house as compared to "W"'s house.

"Two Houses" Go have a glance. I'll be here when you get back.

Now 15 months later, how have things changed? I remember reading recently that Mr. Gore had been making improvements to his house. He and Tipper wanted us to know that it takes some time to make an older home such as their's energy efficient.

So how did that go?

Pop on over to the Castle and read Dusty's report.


  1. OK, you're absolutely right. I think he's modified his house since 2001, but can't state that with absolute certainly.

    So, why doesn't Bush do the same for the rest of the country? Why not energy credits for green companies? Why not look for renewable energy source rather than drill the nation to ruin?

    Atty. General Brown, when he was mayor of Oakland, insisted FedEx build an environmentally friendly plant. The result? FedEx built a plant that uses 80% renewable energy. Thats the kind of environmental capitalism.

    Say Governor Moonbeam if you want: he stated, "I worked hard for that title."

  2. He and Tipper wanted us to know that it takes some time to make an older home such as their's energy efficient.

    Yeah, it does. It took me almost a week to do it.

    Of course, I don't live in a house with more square footage than some international airport terminals...
