Friday, May 02, 2008

Riverine Squadron Three Deploys to Iraq

Riverine Squadron Three Deploys to Iraq
Story Number: NNS080428-18Release Date: 4/28/2008 3:35:00 PM
From Navy Expeditionary Combat Command Public Affairs

YORKTOWN, Va. (NNS) -- More than 150 Sailors from Riverine Squadron (RIVRON) 3 departed Naval Weapons Station Yorktown for the squadron's first deployment to western Iraq, April 27.
The squadron's primary mission is to conduct maritime security operations (MSO) along rivers and other inland waterways, to deny the use of the maritime environment as a venue for attack, as a haven for insurgent activities or the illegal transportation of weapons, people or material.
RIVRON 3 is the third riverine squadron deployed since the U.S. Navy assumed responsibility for riverine operations from the U.S. Marine Corps in December 2006. RIVRON 3 was established in July 2007.
The main body of RIVRON 2, deployed since October, will return after completing turn over with RIVRON 3.
"Our riverine warriors are ready to go," said Cmdr. Greg Sandway, commanding officer of RIVRON 3. "They are extremely motivated to get over there and continue the mission of our fellow riverines, who are making a difference in the War on Terror."
RIVRON 3's departure marks more than one year of operations of the 21st century riverine force, which began with RIVRON 1's maiden deployment in March 2007.

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