Sunday, May 04, 2008

Crescent controversy on Fox News television and Fox News front page!

Fox News front page snapshot, 5-4-08, 45%
Check out the Fox News front page today, where "Crescent Outrage" alternates top billing with "Six-Legged Soldiers!" Finally, more than a handful of Americans will at least know that there is a controversy over the Flight 93 memorial.

They won't know much more than that. The Fox reporting is pretty bare, and includes no mention of the Mecca orientation of the giant crescent, no mention of the 44 inscribed translucent blocks on the flight path, no mention of the Islamic sundial, and no fact checking (the modern media disease). Still, this is big.

Fox IS airing the side-by-side comparison of the Crescent of Embrace and the Islamic crescent. They also report Tom Burnett's condemnation of the crescent design an insult to his murdered son, and they mention our petition.

Fox has a lot more information at their disposal. They had a television crew to the Somerset County Courthouse yesterday where Colonel Harry Beam laid out a precise and devastating exposé of Islamic and terrorist memorializing design features, and they were sent extensive fact checking materials. None of this gets into their present reporting. Hopefully they will be using this material for an investigative feature in the not-too-distant future.
UPDATE: Red Lasso has the Fox News video clip (thanks to Avid Editor).
This is powerful stuff. Not only do they show the clear likeness between the original design and an Islamic crescent and star flag, but the image they show of the redesign shows pretty clearly how the giant crescent remains intact in the redesign:
Fox News, Bowl of Embrace
From the crescent and star likeness, they cut to Tom Burnett, asking what people would think if a memorial were laid out in the shape of a swastika. If viewers hadn't just seen the crescent and star likeness, that statement could be made to sound crazy, but Fox does right by Tom, giving viewers the information they need to see the reasonableness of the comparison. Many thanks to Fox for getting this right.
Fox has a lot more information at their disposal. They had a television crew at the Somerset County Courthouse yesterday where Colonel Harry Beam laid out a precise and devastating exposé of Islamic and terrorist memorializing design features, and they were sent extensive fact checking materials. None of this gets into their present reporting. If they put that material into an investigative feature, they can knock the crescent memorial out for good.

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