Sunday, March 30, 2008

My Sunday

I set the alarm for 0615....I finally got out of bed at 0730. For those of you keeping score, that means I hit the snooze button 8 times. LOL But after a quick shower I made it up to Charlestown with 10 minutes to spare! In those 10 minutes, I sat and let myself feel the peaceful feeling that almost always envelopes me when I am in St. Francis. This was my view from my pew.
I know they are blurry, but you know I have that tremor and that's the best I can get.
I waited until almost everyone had cleared out of Church and the altar servers were straightening things up for the 11:30. Then I went over to the Convent to teach my CCD class. There are no nuns anymore, so the Convent has been converted for the use of CCD.
Next I popped down to my parent's house. I flew in the back door, starving!!! I said to my father, "Please make me eggs!" My father is so patient and careful, his eggs are always perfect, never runny, never overdone. Yummmmm. I read the whole of the Boston Herald and hung out with my parents until everyone else showed.
Grace wanted a boiled dinner for her birthday. Cabbage.......yuck!! But it wasn't my birthday.
I resisted the cake and the ice cream. I have no idea how, lol! It looked really good.
We had lots of laughs and tried to make my brother Frankie feel bad about missing Las Vegas, but that isn't possible. We made plans for Frankie (my brother as opposed to my son, or nephew or uncle or cousin.....oh well you get the idea) and my Dad to come down and drywall my room in a few weeks. I can't wait, I am so excited!
A really good day. I am very lucky.

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