Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Admiral Fallon Resigns as Head of Centcom

******UPDATE - I am getting a lot of hits from people searching for what I presume is gouge on Fox Fallon's resignation. I am a Navy girl, so I don't do that unless I am sure there is "shit" to be slung. However, there is some interesting specualtion going on at Ace of Spades, and Blackfive. Of course you should read the article at Esquire and the posts at Tom Barnett's weblog. That is all.....Princess Crabby******
Admiral Fallon Resigns as Head of Centcom

Tuesday , March 11, 2008
Navy Adm. William Fallon, the head of U.S. Central Command, which leads U.S. operations in Iraq and Afghanistan, is stepping down, Defense Secretary Robert Gates announced Tuesday.

Fallon claimed ongoing misperceptions about differences between his ideas and U.S. policy are making it too difficult for him to operate, Gates said, agreeing. He added that the differences are not extreme, but the misperception had become too great.

"I believe it was the right thing to do, even though I do not believe there are, in fact, significant differences between his views and administration policy," Gates said, noting that he accepted the request to retire with "reluctance and regret."

"I don't know whether he was misinterpreted or whether people attributed views to him that were not his views, but clearly there was a concern," Gates said.

The misperceptions relate to an article published last week in Esquire magazine that portrayed

Fallon as opposed to President Bush's Iran policy. It described Fallon as a lone voice against taking military action to stop the Iranian nuclear program.

In a statement distributed by Centcom headquarters in Tampa, Fla., Fallon said he requested permission to step down because the article showed disrespect toward the president and caused embarrassment and distractions that were the result of misrepresentations of his views of Centcom missions.

"Recent press reports suggesting a disconnect between my views and the president's policy objectives have become a distraction at a critical time and hamper efforts in the Centcom region.
And although I don't believe there have ever been any differences about the objectives of our policy in the Central Command area of responsibility, the simple perception that there is makes it difficult for me to effectively serve America's interests there," Fallon said.

"Recent press reports suggesting a disconnect between my views and the president's policy objectives have become a distraction at a critical time and hamper efforts in the Centcom region. And although I don't believe there have ever been any differences about the objectives of our policy in the Central Command area of responsibility, the simple perception that there is makes it difficult for me to effectively serve America's interests there," Fallon said.

**********read the rest here******

Thank you for your service, sir.


  1. and a soldier started all of this trouble for you! Personally, I am not sorry to see him go, he's always been a bit too nuanced for my taste. CENTCOM requires a personality that is as comfortable with a bayonet as he with a Cross pen. Fallon is a blue water sailor and in this environment, was way out of his element.

  2. I'm optimistic. Juan Cole thinks this has more to do with Iraq than Iran. But, no mistaking: Fallon was unusual in that, while in uniform, he was actually conducting public diplomacy. Admiral Fallon was the ‘good cop’. Now, for the next 10 months anyway, all we have are the bad cops and the bad guys. Good night and good luck with that.

  3. Anthony - Funny!

    Vigilante - I strongly disagree that all we have left is bad cops. Fallonwas, by no means, some lone voice of reason in the military. Barnett for some reason wrongly portrays him as the only person not advocating war with Iran.
