Saturday, November 03, 2007

One Step Backwards

Or........How Maggie torments herself.

I have been very good with the self imposed moratorium on new purchases of body scrub/butter/cream/lotion/shower gel/souffle. I have imposed this draconian measure because my bathroom and my bedroom are packed with a myriad of these products........on baskets.........on my bureau.......everywhere.

But I fell off the wagon last night. I bought Bodycology Vanilla Buttercream Sugar Scrub. It's so new I can't find a pic on the Internet.

It smells exactly like the name

So I stick with Atkins all day - good.
I go to the gym and do my time on the treadmill and in the yoga room - good.
Then I shower with my new sugar scrub which makes my skin really soft - good.

Now I have to take my buttercream body to bed and torment myself - lol.

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