Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Why Wasn't I Invited?

So Monday night was a fabulous adventure in Groton. I got no sleep and had to make up for it last night (12 hours). So now I sit here catching up on emails to find the CNO is in Newport (a hop, skip and a jump for me). I've missed watching him live on the webcast but it will be rebroadcast on the Pentagon Channel at 2000. He will be discussing the new Maritime Strategy which fits nicely with the current discussion over at the Phibian's place on the 1986 Maritime strategy. Of course, I am drowning over there and said so.

Anyway, I've strayed from my point. Admiral Roughead is in Newport this morning.

Why wasn't I invited?

********UPDATE - In case you don't read comments, I'm pulling up the one left by SJS. If you go to his site you can get the new Maritime Strategy. I have printed mine and will read it at the gym tonight while I'm on the treadmill.*****

*******Another Update******this comment was left by some troublemaker
"As I was lunching with Gary today at the O Club he asked me to tell you "Hello"

My response?


  1. New strategy is up over here where you can get your own copy, if interested ;)
    - SJS

  2. As I was lunching with Gary today at the O Club he asked me to tell you "Hello"
