Sunday, October 07, 2007

Girl's Weekend

My mother........sisters.....niece and I are hanging for "Girl's Weekend". What is "Girl's Weekend"? Well, there is shopping, because it is always right before my father's birthday. There is eating out. We went to Red Robin and had awesome burgers. There is bad food...chocolate.....Fritos....popcorn. Movies....we watched "Music & Lyrics". Not a redemming thing about that one. 90 minutes of my life I'll never get back. I voted for "Disturbia" but my mother had veto power that can not be overidden.

And....liquor..........Cape Codders for for Grace and Mum......Sam's Summer for Jen.

Scratch tickets........we are always losers. We throw money in the pot, buy the tickets and scratch and turn in tickets for more tickets until we are losers. We are always losers.

You know, I have been so good on Atkins this past two weeks. I went to the gym and did my time..........and's blown.

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