Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Deval Patrick - Donkey

No, I don't mean donkey like the symbol for the Democratic party. I mean donkey like stupid animal. When my mother would get really, really frustrated with us.....when we would do something really, really stupid......she would screw her face up and say "Listen, you DONKEY...." LOL, it was pretty rare, I was stupid, but not spectacularly so. When my kids or their friends did something dumb, I would refer to them as "mutton".
But we're not talking about me here, or the kids. We're talking about the Governor of the Commonwealth, Deval Patrick. I was listening to Howie, that agitator, discuss Deval's 9/11 ceremony remarks. I couldn't believe it. I had to go look it up. Here they are:

".....a failure of human understanding."......WHAT.....THE....FUCK?
Let me tell you what I fail to understand. I fail to understand how this nitwit made it to the corner office. I fail to understand how the supposedly apolitical committee in charge of today's State House ceremony didn't see that it would look funny to dump Ogonowski as a featured speaker in favor of a hack. I fail to understand why the Lt. Governor handled the flag instead of someone who lost a loved one on 9/11. I fail to understand how a guy who is supposed to be so bright, as we are told Deval is...didn't to hire a speech writer to keep him from inserting his foot in his mouth. I fail to understand how a guy whose liberal beliefs would have him near the front of the execution line in any society that follows Sharia law (does Deval know what a caliphate is? Will he figure it out before they stone him?) would talk about "learning to love" muslim extremists.

Governor, you are a DONKEY. You are a braying, stupid donkey. Jackass fits too.

I'm not the only one who thinks so, here's the editorial staff at the Herald weighing in.


  1. Just like the donkeys in my hood who are having a peace march this weekend. I applaud them, go hug it out for peace. And while you're at it, hug terrorists and see if you can't turn them around. They seem like reasonable people.

  2. This has been a bad week for our elected officials. Most have come out of it looking worse than a "donkey."

  3. I suppose it never occurred to this moronic imbecile that terrorist attacks to make your point don't really lend themselves to "understanding". ARG!!!!

    Well, the Dems in this state got what they wanted.

    Together we can...

    Can what?

    Look stupid.

  4. Nobody wanted to listen...I voted for Muffy!

  5. So you agree, "donkey" is a good word!

    SB - I backed Kerry Healy before you backed her. Also, part of the problem was people calling her "Muffy". Yet again, you are part of the problem.

  6. Chris, Aren't you still in Newport? Howie's moving to WTKK soon (5-9 am slot) and WTKK comes in very nicely (that's how I listened to the President last night), plus he'll still be accessible via the internet, WTKK streams.

  7. "Jackass fits too."


    I got close to the end of that post and thought I was the guy standing at the end of the lingo line.

  8. Nope, I left Newport seventeen months ago. I'm in Japan now and leaving shortly for Hawaii with a stop in Dahlgren, Va.

  9. Apparently I wasn't paying attention....but then thre is really only one sailor in Newport as far as I'm

    Well, as I said you can catch him online. WRKO streams him live at 0400 to 0800 your time Tuesday through Saturday. although that will change soon and be 1830 to 2200 on WTKK
