Wednesday, September 05, 2007

CPO Heritage

Our Navy Core Values of Honor, Courage and Commitment aren't just about technical compliance, procedural exactitude, or superb mechanical performance. Honor, courage and commitment are about heart and soul - they are the inspiring, life generating words we have agreed to live our lives by. That is exactly why they are powerful and supremely important. These values are essential to our culture, and should be kept constantly in mind as we intentionally develop and communicate what culture means in our Navy.
The words above are from the Goat Locker and relate to the photos. During CPO Heritage Week on the USS Constitution, the Selects did more than explore the ship and learn about her fascinating history. They went to the New England Shelter for Homeless Veterans. Some served the meal as shown in the photo below, but most sat with the veterans. They were spread out so there was at least one Select per table.
I'm sure some went that day assuming this was all about community service, but I am equally sure that it ended up a learning experience for many. The older I get the more I find the lessons are not always where you expect to find them.

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